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Ed.122 - Covering 220118 to 220125

Updated: Feb 13, 2022

Presented by Plax & Lou & Ymog & Svn & Chux
That’s what you do to me.

Don't hesitate to send a PM if you want to help writing those articles.


2021 Rewind

For those who missed it, a rewind of Twice 2021 is available with all majors news of the year !



Twice x Pearly Gates

Twice has a new brand deal with Pearly Gates, doing luxury young golf wears in Korea.

You can find the campaign fim and the differents photos of the website bellow:

Pictures thread: Solos - Groups - Solos2 - Unit

IG: Nayeon - Nayeon - Dahyun -


Sana & Dahyun x A'pieu

New picture of Dahyun. Video of Dahyun and Sana.

Udpate: New Video.





Members Holidays

Sana's friend posted photos of their holidays probably from Japan. Momo also posted photos with her hometown friends that she haven't see since 2 years.


Other News Tidbits of Interest:


What To watch ?


UPDATE on The Twice Photo Compilation by @TwiceBot_

Compiled by Dubuman

Don’t forget to check the Teudoongie Subs Twitter and YouTube to see if new shows have been subbed by their team!


/!\ Next important schedule /!\

Thanks To

Plax, Lou, Ymog and Svn for gathering the information and helping write articles of this week’s news!

Thanks to Dubuman for his imgur album compilation!

Note: If some people from the main .TWICE server want to help with gathering, compiling news or writing articles, send a DM!

See you next week!

Why so serious ♪

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